23 October 2008

Tidy is as tidy does

This is a poster I found outside our office advertising positions as au pair in the United States. It says "Enjoy a year in the USA."  Sounds fun.
I made the mistake of going out to HomePlus without having anything to eat since breakfast, so I gave in to temptation and went into McDonald's and got a Big Mac.  Now, before you chastise me, the Big Macs in Korea are smaller than the ones in America.  I don't feel too bad about eating one then, though the salt content is no different than back home.
Did some laundry and cleaned a little bit more in the house.  I'm thinking that if I need/want somebody to come check on the cats over the weekend, the place should at least be tidy (or what passes for tidy with me).
Tomorrow I take off after classes for Seoul so I can be on hand for the KOTESOL conference.  The guy who's handling volunteers said I'm to work Saturday morning, and I'm an "Ambassador" whatever that might be.  Hope I get a diplomatic limo! heh heh  Sunday I hope to spend in Ansan.
I think Sugar senses my impending trip and stay over in Gyeongi province.  She's been more clingy than usual and actually tries to talk to me while she clings.  She's such a senstive little thing.  It breaks my heart when she sits at the glass door and watches me go someplace and she can't go, too.  They both have cabin fever, and it's my fault.  Tomorrow morning before work, we'll go on the roof and play for a while.   

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