03 October 2008

Quick Run to Busan

Here's a screen shot of my Mac after installing the new software.
After watching the Palin-Biden debate on CNN, I took off for Busan to get some software for the Mac at the Apple retailer there.  They didn't have the software that I had seen advertised on the Apple Korea website, but the saleslady told me they had "pah-wah-lehr-suh deh-suh-kuh-toe-puh".  The really funny thing is, she only had to say it once more for me to understand what she had said. (You know you've been in Korea too long when...) It's two words totally in English, so give it your best shot! I got this software, and my intention is, if it performs as predicted and desired on my Mac Mini, I will get a Macbook so I can have a portable computer to take places with me... well, that was redundant-- I teach English? har har.  Well, the software actually works!  I honestly didn't expect it to, but there it is.  I can run a copy of my Windows Vista on my Mac and interchange between the two operating systems seamlessly.  I was so happy, that I even made a new entry in my iWeb journal until I remembered that iWeb will not upload my entries for some reason, and nobody can tell me why.  It keeps asking me to sign in to my Mac account, but I am signed in. iWeb doesn't recognize it, though.  The Mac technical guys are stumped, too.  It looks like I'll be staying on here at Google's Blogger, but I like Google a lot, so this is OK by me.

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