06 October 2008

Day Out

I went out on my bicycle for a long while today and came across this little shop selling pumpkins.  A lot of the pumpkins have their stems still on them, so they'd be good for Halloween.  Koreans don't do Halloween, and they don't grow Halloween pumpkins, but these will do.  After Halloween, you can eat them!
Tonight I saw a commercial for a car with some kind of special airbags, so I waited and watched three CSI episodes so I could video the commercial if it came on again, but it never did.  It was rather cute, a child running and slamming into his mother's breasts, then a shot of an airbag deploying.  I think they were comparing the safety of mother's bosom to the safety of the car.
I made a video by the river and in the park with my new Canon camcorder and edited it in iMovie.  It wasn't anything special; I just wanted to see how it worked and how well it worked.
Got an email from the departmental office saying that they wanted one of us who don't work Mondays to take over another teacher's Monday morning class instead of the person who volunteered to do it.  Maybe that person is doing it grudgingly, I don't know, but the email didn't elaborate, and it's hard to read between the lines of somebody whose English isn't great.  One of our teachers was in a car accident, so she's laid up for the rest of the semester and needs other teachers to cover her lessons.  I swear to all the gods I don't believe in, our department is under a curse! 
As I type this, I'm listening to some men arguing someplace outside....
I took my camera out and caught the tail end of some altercation across the street.  The guys had already stripped to their wife-beater undershirts, but there was a woman trying to keep them apart.  Lots of swearing.  Lots of yelling.  The camera missed the good stuff, I think, but I might post what I have later.
As an aside, I've always wondered why men wear wife-beaters.  They're completely useless at protecting your clothing from sweat stains.  If you don't care that your clothes get sweat stains, then why bother wearing any undershirt at all?  

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