01 October 2008

Looking Forward

I hope everybody watches the vice-presidential debate this week.  If you have closed-captioning, I would suggest that, because Sarah Palin's accent is so abrasive I can't stand to listen to her.  Is that the normal way to talk in Alaska?  Yuck!  I'd go nuts if I had to listen to people talking through their noses like that all the time.
Rent is due today... I think.  I don't have a written contract with the owner, so I'm not sure what day of the month we agreed on last year for paying the rent.  It isn't a big deal here in Korea, though.  People get around to paying up eventually.
This Friday is a national holiday, Foundation Day.  It celebrates the day when Tangun, the son of a god, was born and started the Korean nation.  Needless to say, Christians want this holiday removed from the calendar, but so far, it has survived Christian imperialism.  The true meaning of the holiday, this year at least, is that it falls on a Friday, and I don't have classes on Mondays, so there will be (for me) a very long weekend!  I might even go to Seoul and enjoy myself with a visit to the Thai restaurant, buy a book, see a movie, go to the mall... nice stuff.  
Life is good, because the alternative isn't.

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