08 October 2008

John McCain is a Rotten Egg

I'm not a Republican for a reason. They are elitist, condescending, greedy, liars, deceivers, regressive, conservative, false patriots, self-centered, and things like that which I don't really care for. I believe that the happiness of individuals and families extends from the peace and prosperity of society in general, not in a handful of wealthy families and political dynasties dictating the rules for the rest of us. To choose John S. McCain as the next President of our Republic would be one more step toward dismantling the goals of our social prosperity in favor of individual and class greed, the continued obscenity of the rich getting filthy richer on the backs of the poor who are staying poor or, God forbid, getting poorer. I hope you will read this article and take it to heart, as it exposes what we already knew about this liar from the years and years he's been in bed with the graft and corruption that is so easily attracted to and tolerated by the Senate.

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