17 October 2009

The one where I reflected on a dixie cup

This was today's reminder of the Korean motto:  "Make do."  On the bus to Daegu, the light over the door was housed in a dixie cup.  Every day, I am surrounded by little things like this, things that I've grown accustomed to, but every once in a while, it dawns on me that they aren't proper.  They're half-ass and sometimes dangerous; but after so much for so long, you simply don't see them unless you're stuck on an airless bus with nothing to do but look around.

You know it's autumn when they stop running the air circulation on the buses.  Koreans believe that if cold air blows on them, they will get sick.  However, in the summer, they will not only sit but often sleep with the A/C blowing on them, and the summer A/C temps are colder than the weather outside in autumn!  I just don't get them.  I don't think I get them at all.  I have so little patience for ignorance.

As for the time I spent in Daegu, I did not find the XBox game Fallout 3 anywhere in Daegu, not even at the XBox kiosk in the electronics mall.  I went to several of the large stores, also.  So I will have to do the eBay thing, I guess.  That game is just too fun not to play! LOL  Oh, I wanted to download an add-on for Fallout 3 (I'm using a borrowed copy), but I can't get Microsoft XBox points since I am in Korea and I am not a citizen with a citizen's ID number.  However, Vaughan got me a code with points, but XBox would not let me redeem the code using my gamer ID.  Undaunted, I tried something on a lark, and it worked!  I set up a new Windows Live account, and I set up a new XBox ID that was totally Korean, and that was the trick that did it!  XBox Live thinks I'm Korean, so it will redeem the codes for the points I need.  Yea deception!  It's the only way to survive as a foreigner in Korea.

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