08 November 2009

The one where I diss my Mac again

I am such a child.  Toys! Toys! Toys!  This Bluetooth headset has been lying around on my desk at the house for a couple months, no, make that several months, and today I came across it by accident and decided to do something with it.  The booklet is long gone, but it was written in Korean anyway, and Korean is confusing enough without the added hurdle of technical mumbo-jumbo.  So, it was trial and error as I struggled to connect it to my home computers.  I tried the Mac first, but of course, Macs aren't very intuitive, so I tried my HP desktop replacement laptop.  Zing! Connected instantly.  Back to the Mac. I fiddled with this and that, tried some of these and those, and finally I got a screen that seemed like the one I needed.  "What is your device?" asked Mac.  "Bluetooth headset" I naively typed back.  "Hmm, sorry, but there is no Bluetooth headset anywhere near here."  Hmm. Mac is blind, I thought.  But I already knew that.  Then I noticed it, an option for "Any Device" and tried it.  Voila!  Mac said "I found a Bluetooth headset!"   I threw my slipper at him, but being a machine, he simply rolled his unseeing eyes and finished the connection.  So, wow, it's an emotional moment for me.  I love technology.  It does work with Skype, and that makes it quite useful.  Hands free, I can walk around the apartment talking to people thousands of kilometers (or even miles) away.
In other tech news, I also got a program to help me stream audio online, but I'm waiting for the creator to come online and help me with the thing.  It, too, is for a Mac, and it, too, is not intuitive.  I'm sending a letter to Apple Computers.  Their new Mac motto should be, "If you're an experienced computer geek, have we got an intuitive machine for you!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

**Cough** Linux! **cough**