05 August 2009

The one where I show off my new camera

Yesterday I went to High-Mart to find another Sony Cybershot. My old one was bequeathed to my sister Connie. The old one is still quite good, but it was time to move on. High-Mart only had one of the cameras that I would even think of getting, but the price was WAY too high. However, the clerk did some figuring on his machine and cut the price from 509,000 to 392,000. I expected maybe 10 bucks off, but this was more like 117 bucks off! You can see it here in the photo. Pretty groovy, eh?
Next Tuesday my passport expires, so Monday I'll be in Seoul at the U.S. embassy getting a new passport. That means my dental appointment to pull out my stitches will have to be postponed until Tuesday. The department wants our syllabi posted by Friday, and I haven't even started. The university program doesn't work on my computers at home, so I have to go all the way in the school to use the office computer. Apparently we lose points toward being rehired if we don't post on time. The funny thing is, I have talked to two professors here in two other departments, and they (as Korean professors) don't have a point system. Is it only for the unreliable, lazy, and unprofessional foreigners? Probably, but I stopped caring years ago what Koreans think of us.
On a lighter note, my first class in Second Life since our group moved to the new location went fairly well considering I was hepped up on medicine from the dentist. After a month's absence, it was kind of weird to be teaching online again, but I'll get back in the swing of things soon enough.
My desk chair roller wheels device had broken many weeks ago, and the other day I went and got a new one to put on. I finally figured out how to attach the hydraulic post to the new roller wheels assembly, but I forgot one of the seals, and when I sat on the chair, the hydraulic thing spit out the grease from inside and I lost the pressure that makes the seat go up and down. It's now permanently down. It's usable, but too low. Now I'm working on seeing if I can get a new hydraulic post. Oh, the trials and tribulations.
Tomorrow Brett's coming to visit for a while. Haven't seen him for a long time. I'm cleaning the house ( a little) so he doesn't throw up upon entering my humble den.
Sugar is needier than ever now, and it's getting on my nerves. I feel bad that I resent her and hate to have her around, but it really is driving me nuts that she can't stop jumping on me, following me, meowing CONSTANTLY, and generally annoying me at every opportunity.

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