11 July 2009

The One Where I Drink Root Beer and Vernors

Yeah, two things I have missed in Korea: root beer and Vernor's ginger ale! I had to switch to "diet" versions since I've been guzzling them for the last few days! Yum, yum! Today is the gathering of my siblings and their spouses at my sister Connie's house in my hometown of West Branch. My brother John and his wife showed up yesterday afternoon. They were sitting on the deck with Lyle, and I thought they were some friends of his; I didn't recognize them at all. Well, I am told I met John's wife in 1980, but I don't recall. John I haven't seen since April 4, 1980, and he's made no attempts to see me on my trips to Michigan the last 25+ years. As typical for the phoney christians and their "family values", work always comes first with those types. Anyway, I have been told to keep my mouth shut and not cause any trouble, so I've only sat to chat when Lyle is around so that he can guide the conversations rather than I and my seething resentment! LOL I'll be glad when the elder sisters come... people I can talk to whose lives aren't consumed by some cult philosophy.
The weather today is gorgeous. A build up of heat yesterday caused a minor shower during the night, and today all that's cleared out making way for sun and moderate temperatures. Of course, the Michiganians think it's "hot" while I'm thinking it's just right, as long as I wear a jacket or loong sleeves! Speaking of which, I went to the Harley Davidson shop down the road and got a pair of boots and a long-sleeve riding shirt. The HD stuff here isn't very expensive at all, while in Korea, HD stuff is exorbitantly expensive! Next week, they'll have a jacket in my size that I want. It's pretty cool, and I'll look oh so sexy in Korea wearing it! LOL
Well, I'll write more later. For now, I have to stick on a smile and go mingle a little.

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