14 April 2008

Stop it, Google!

I hate it when these internet companies try to "help" me by detecting the country of origin in the IP and taking the liberty of directing me to their website in the local language even though I've ticked every box available as "English." Don't they think I can choose for myself what language to use? I often have to lie when a site asks what country I'm in, because if I tell the truth, I get swept away to some blinky-flashy-noisy Korean site! If a Korean wants the Korean site, he goes to the Korean site. He doesn't need to be automatically "redirected" by Big Brother... and neither do I. I can usually get rid of the Korean when Google does this elsewhere, but this blogspot Korean won't go away no matter what I do. Irritating.
All that aside, it was just a regular busy Monday. The classes were OK, though in my low level class, I had to raise my voice to a student who was just sitting there like he was killing time, no book, no notebook, no pencil, no will to live apparently. I assigned them partners for their test next week and set up a schedule for them to come in for their test. (It's an oral exam.)
Nobody came to the International Lounge this morning. That routine is becoming a waste of time. I just sit in there reading the weekend Herald Tribune, but at least I stopped embarrassing myself by trying to do the crossword.

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