01 July 2010

The one where Michigan will wait

An office/classroom floating in the sky is a fine setting for one of my final interviews of the semester.  All the grades have been entered, and all the complaining seems over as well.  Maybe my comforting and encouraging explanations satisfied the students that their grades were as fair as I could make them given the restraints of the grading curve percentages imposed on us.

Monday is my departure from Korea to the United States for a holiday.  It was meant to be a visit to my family since I had received frowny faces over the last decade that I wasn't visiting often enough.  However, I am apparently visiting too often now as nobody among my six siblings and 10 nephews and nieces living in Michigan nor even their adult children are willing to pick me up at the airport when I arrive. (Don't they know how generous eccentric uncles are?!)  So I will be visiting the one family member who actually said she'd pick me up... in Atlanta.  Therefore, I will have my holiday in Georgia and the Appalachian Mountains, and Michigan will have to wait.

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