23 September 2008

Right and Wrong

Anybody who knows me, knows that I distrust the nationalist party, what they call the "republican party," but I came across an interview with Newt Gingrich, a nationalist, that I agreed with.  Newt is socially unresponsive, but his ideas on this 700-billion dollar welfare cheque for Wall Street are right on, as far as I'm concerned.  You can see/hear the interview here.  My idea is, though, if you're going to give away 700 billion dollars, why not parcel out the money to each American household?  It's better than giving the money to Wall Street fat cats who already have most of the nation's money anyway.  Let those super-rich bastardos pool their own resources and bail out one another.  Can you imagine them dipping into their own savings to bail out their failing businesses?  I don't see it happening.  It's easier to mug the American public for quick cash.

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