Today I had a brilliant idea. They say you can put Windows on a Mac if you use the Boot Camp program that comes with Mac. Well, sure enough, Boot Camp partitioned the drive, and Windows had 32 gig all to itself. It started out fine as I began installation, but then Windows asked where I wanted to install it. I chose the 32 gig partition that was set aside by Boot Camp, and Windows said, "I can't go there! It isn't NTFS formatted!" So installing Windows on my Mac came to a screeching halt until I could figure out how to make the partition NTFS formatted so Windows would load on it. Couldn't find out, because I couldn't get the other side of the drive, the Mac partition, to start up again so I could get online! What a nightmare. So I let it all sit idle while I went to Busan to see if I could find a good laptop computer as a back-up so this will never happen again. My students send their homework through the internet, so I need a working computer. Couldn't find any of the laptops CNET recommended, but I'm thinking the Samsungs probably aren't too horrible... pricey, though. Didn't buy one, because Joel sent me a text message on how to get the Mac up again: hold the "c" key during start-up. Easy peasy. But I still have the apparently unusable Boot Camp partition on my Mac drive to deal with. Online I've found that if I shell out money for a program, I can get the partition to accept Windows. Isn't that always the case with Macs? You have to pay for this, then for that, then something else before you have everything you need to use the damn thing.
Anyway, had lunch with Rob at McD's at the Mega Mart in Dongnae in Busan, then went to his place to try to find the control panel on his computer. His wife insists the computer use the Korean version of Windows, and it was impossible to find the control panel. I told him just to install the XP I had given him and let her gripe, because she can read English IF she needs to. All she does is go to Korean websites, and you don't need a Korean version of the OS for that. Men, on the other hand, need to work with the computer and do stuff on it, important stuff. ㅋㅋ
My cell phone somehow got crushed while in my front pants pocket. The screen is broken. I can use the phone, but the screen is unusable, which basically means I can't see to read texts, to dial, or any of the other uses of the cell phone screen. Ugh. This phone has been cursed from day one. I doubt they'll fix this bit for free, however, since it must be my fault, though I can't think of anything I did that would cause the screen to break.
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