25 December 2009

The one where I spent 40 bucks for a bad dinner

Ah, the goosey-goon, or "Salvation Army" as they say in English.  Some will be surprised to learn that in 1979 from Thanksgiving to December 23, I was a Salvation Army bell ringer in Brooklyn and Manhattan.  I lived in Queens, and every day the Captain took me, Wes Hughes, and Robert Propert to our various bell ringing sites.  My favorite was... well, I hated New York, so there was no fave, but when we were at the Brooklyn courthouse, there was a restroom handy, so I liked being there the most, I suppose.  Some stories to tell about that little "holiday".

Christmas has come and pretty much gone.  I didn't do all that much today.  I had planned to go to the Christmas buffet at the Hilton.  So I did, mainly because I felt obliged, but I was also feeling lonely; however, after I got there, I learned that hardly anyone was coming!  Drinking parties all over town, it seems, were keeping folks away.  I can't drink much anymore, really, despite the big talk LOL, so that doesn't appeal to me.   Drinking makes me ill, really uncomfortably ill.  I hate felling sick.  Anyway, where was I?  Oh, yeah, I had dinner with Doug and his girlfriend at the buffet.  I'm not going to recommend the Hilton Hotel buffet, and I'm not ever going to go back, but I'm not going to come right out and say it was a god awful waste of $40.  Well, yes, I am.  It was exactly that. Let's be honest! They had turkey, and lots of other stuff, so I certainly got full.  It just wasn't very good considering how much it cost.  Maybe they should learn how to make any kind of pie, though.  That would help a little.  Anything besides those horrible sugar cakes they like so much. Yuck.

That's my tree in the picture.  It looks pretty in real life, but in this photo it looks like crap!  No presents, though.  :(

Merry Christmas anyway to one and all.  I hope you have a great day and live to see the new year! LOL

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