27 October 2008


Can you see that?  This is Facebook's "L'il Green Patch" application.  The "Accept" and the "Ignore" are plain as day, but I've learned (the hard way) that if the 'Ignore' is first, it really is the 'Accept'.  So I've clicked 'Accept' a few times and got the message that I ignored somebody!  No!  That makes me seem like a jerk... or a bigger jerk.. whatever.

Oh, this Blogger post is basically to tell you all, the two or three who read this blog, that I am back on iWeb with a Mac blog, what they call "MobileMe."  As you might recall, I've had my run-ins with iWeb, but I pay $99 a year to be a member of Apple Mac, and I just paid W88,000 for the iLife08 suite, and by the gods of Imagination Land, I'm going to get my money's worth!

My iWeb site is here .  Click here to go there .  There isn't much there yet, but as the days go by it will fill up.  I've figured out how to save my blogs on my computer, or better, I've learned that I have to save my blogs on the computer, because Apple's MobileMe won't save them if I don't.  Another lesson learned the hard way.  I'm going to have my calendar on my MobileMe site, too, just like Dr. Myers in Minnesota.  He's a grand inspiration all around.

I don't know what will become of this site, really.  It's my back-up, so if the other site fails for some reason, this one will probably get written in again.      

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