05 September 2010

The one with the Recovery Act

Someone posted an Ann Coulter article on Facebook in which she was chastising the radical far right for calling the President a Muslim. “He's not a Muslim; he's an atheist” was basically her article. I got the biggest kick out of that, mainly because she really intended to be insulting to the President, but to me, I only wish he were atheist. We haven't had an atheist president as far as I know, at least not one who was honest about it. So I made a video about the word “atheist.” 

Ann Coulter is not stupid, but she says deliberately stupid things mainly to whip up her crowd into a mindless frenzy.  Now Saint Glenn Beck is jumping on the bandwagon. Did you hear about his rally in the capital? “Restoring Honor” he called it. Of course, the only way you can say that is if you believe America has lost its honor. And the only way I can see in the last decade that America has lost its honor would be the unprovoked invasion and conquest of a (near) third-world country under false pretenses after lying to the U.N. about intelligence on said country.  

Attempting to get medical insurance for more Americans, however, seems to be Beck's idea of losing honor. Asking the rich to sacrifice for the nation by returning to the former tax rates also seems to be our loss of honor. Keeping the states from defaulting by means of the Recovery Act must also be a loss of honor, since he rants against that, too. My county in Michigan received 669,000 dollars from the Recovery, and that meant the difference between a complete meltdown of police, sheriff, fire, schools, and emergency services and giving the local councils some breathing space to reorganize.  Of course, we all know that the economy started tanking because Bush was dumping trillions of borrowed dollars into his phony war in Iraq, and that “war” in Afghanistan that he kept simmering on the back burner sending up billions of dollars in smoke every month because he's... an idiot? … malicious? … unconcerned with our military? … more interested in punishing Sadam than Bin Laden?  Bush's policy caused this Great Recession and it's high time the radical right faced up to it.   Screaming slogans and waving signs is not patriotism as much as giving more in taxes to pay for the war effort you so loudly acclaim. Actions speak louder than words, and these anti-tax buffoons are demonstrating on a daily basis by their unwillingness to shell out bucks for the war (that they supported) that they don't really give a shit about the war, the country, our soldiers, or our national solvency.  Tea Party?  No, just another bunch of spoiled white entitlement crybaby hypocrites.


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