Last semester I'm happy to listen your lecture.
I enjoyed talking with you and many students.
However, I saw my conversation grade yesterday.
I thought that my grade is a little low.
And I heard that in absolute evalutation many students get good grade.
Is everything left to your own discretion?
Why did I got grade B+?
Please tell me~ㅠ_ㅠ
Would you upgrade my score?
I really need your consideration!
If I get A0 , I can take classes more. It is school rugulation.
The reason is that I complete a course in teacher education.
It means that I have two major subject.
I have to take lesson more than other people.
I need to take three required subjects next semester.
If I give grades 4.0 , I can do it.
But I can't do it. I got B+, so I lack point a little.
Please consider it again~^,^
My guiding criterion in that class was how much they talked. It's a conversation course after all, and the more they talked, the higher their grade. This young lady didn't talk even enough for a B+, but I was generous. Now, I can guarantee that if I don't up her grade to A, there will be repercussions that could eventually result in my contract not being renewed, That's how they do it here. Korea is not known for its high academic standards, and every semester we have to decide whether our academic integrity is more important than our jobs. I have learned from several mistakes that the job is more important. It's their country; they set the standards. They threaten us all the time not to renew our contracts unless we do as they say, and happy students mean they will stay at our school and therefore mommy and daddy's money will stay here as well. Follow the money. That's where "education" is these days.